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What's Happening Week of 9-19-22


Skill of the Week is Breaking and Confidence!

Party in the Park- We had a wonderful afternoon at this event yesterday. Our demo team came out of the gate with an exciting season opening performance! A special “ Yay!” to our first time team members- Jonah, Ilana and Sofia. Welcome to the team!

Port Outdoors- Thursday 9/22

We will be performance at 6PM on Main Street in front of Blumenfeld Park by the Landmark.. Team members: please meet at the dojang by 5:40PM in your demo uniform.

Reminder to all Thursday students:

Main Street will be closed, so please allow additional time to get to the dojang for your classes.

Pride in Port- Saturday 9/24 is “The Big Enchilada” as Master Steven calls this.

We invite everyone to cheer us on at the Grand Stand (at the train station) for our pre-parade performance at 11 AM. Then we will head back to the Carlo’s Pizza parking lot to line up for the parade!! Everyone is welcome to march with us, so bring your siblings, parents and friends!

Martial artists and acrobats- please come in your uniforms!

Team members: please meet at the dojang at 9:15 in your demo uniform.

JOIN OUR TKD DEMONSTRATION TEAM! If you would like to join the team in preparation for our Spring 2023 performance season, now is the time! It doesn’t matter what belt level you are, as long as, you are willing to make the commitment to the practices and performances.

The General Team practice is Wednesdays at 5:50-5:50PM and the Dance Team meets Thursdays at 5:30-6:15PM.

For more details, please contact Master Helen or Master Mack.

Cyclone Acrobatix-

Thursday session begins this week! To our new acrobats- Please stop by any day after 3PM to pick up your uniform. Looking forward to seeing all of you!

Monday Acrobats- apologies for the incorrect/incomplete class dates set last week. You will receive an accurate email this week. Thank you!


Our annual Hallowe’en Gala will be held on Saturday 10/29 from 6:00-7:30 PM.

There will be games, costume competition and most importantly, presentation of our Champion of Life 2022 award in recognition of the outstanding student of the year.

This year will also be presenting our first Parent of the Year Appreciation Award!

Everyone is welcome. There will be a sign up list posted soon with items you would like to bring.

Class cancel/makeups for TKD students – If you cannot make your class, it must be canceled

on the Achieve app a minimum of 3 hours prior to your class in order for a makeup class to be credited to your account.

This ensures others space availability to schedule their makeups and affords you the same opportunity. A makeup class is valid for 3 months after which time it will expire.

We have been distributing written step-by-step instructions on how to cancel/schedule a makeup class. If your copy didn’t make it home, please click here to see it.

Happy Birthday wishes to: Leonardo S., Olivia L., Mody K., Ava A., and Lincoln R.



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